Reviste cotate ISI:
1) Information and Control (Information and
Computation), Nr.5961, ISSN 0890-5401
2) Discrete Mathematics, Nr. 3830, ISSN
3) Discrete Applied Mathematics, Nr. 3827, ISSN
4) Journal of Multiple Valued Logic and Soft
Computing, Nr. 7725,
ISSN 1542-3980
5) Knowledge and Information Systems, Nr.8643,
ISSN 0219-1377
6) Int.J. of Computers, Communications &
Control, ISSN 1841-9836
[13] Nicolae Tandareanu,
Mihaela Colhon, Cristina Zamfir: -
Extending XML Conditional Schema Representations
COMPUTERS, Issue 2, Volume 5, p.200-209, 2011
[12] Nicolae Tandareanu:
- Java Interrogation of an Homogeneous System of
Inheritance Knowledge Bases by Client-Server
Issue 2, Volume 5, p.166-174, 2011
[11] Mihaela Colhon,
Nicolae Tandareanu: - A Semantic Schema -
based Approach for Natural Language Translation,
Volume 9, p.1307- 1317, November 2010, ISSN:
[10] Nicolae Tandareanu,
Mihaela Colhon, Cristina Zamfir: -
Embedding Conditional Knowledge Bases into
Question Answering Systems and Java
COMPUTERS, Issue 4, Volume 4, p.169-176, 2010
[9] N.Tandareanu,
M.V.Ghindeanu, S.A.Nicolescu: -
Hierarchical Distributed Reasoning System for
Geometric Image Generation, Int.J. of Computers,
Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836,
Vol.IV, No.2, p.167-177, 2009
[8] N.Tandareanu: - A
recursive method to compute the layers of a
stratified graph, Journal of Multi-Valued Logic
and Soft Computing, Vol. 12, p.355-363, 2006
[7] N.Tandareanu: -
Distinguished Representatives for Equivalent
Labelled Stratified Graphs and Applications,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 144,
p.183-208, 2004
[6] N.Tandareanu: -
Knowledge Bases with Output, Knowledge and
Information Systems, 2(4), 2000, 438-460
[5] N.Tandareanu: -
Remarks on Generalized Boolean Functions of One
Variable, Revue Roum. Math. Pures Appl., Tome
XXIX, No.8, 1984, 715-718.
[4] N.Tandareanu: -
On generalized Boolean functions III, The case
A={0,1}, Discrete Mathematics, 52 (1984),
[3] N.Tandareanu: -
On generalized Boolean functions II, Discrete
Mathematics, 40 (1982), p.277-284
[2] N.Tandareanu: -
On generalized Boolean functions I, Discrete
Mathematics 34(1981), p.293-299
[1] N.Tandareanu: -
Functions associated to a Partition on State Set
of a Probabilistic Automaton, Information and
Control, Vol.28, No.4, August 1975, p.304- 313
[22] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cristina Zamfir: - New
Computational Aspects in Master-Slave
Systems of Semantic Schemas, 23rd IEEE
International Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2011,
Nov.7-9, 2011, Boca Raton, Florida, USA,
[21] Nicolae
Tandareanu: - A Java Template to
Interrogate Knowledge Bases by Client-Server
Technology, Advances in Communications,
Computers, Systems, Circuits and Devices,
European Conference of Computer Science
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, North Atlantic
University Union, November 30-December 2,
2010, p.155- 161, ISBN 978-960-474-250-9
[20] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Mihaela Colhon, Cristina
Zamfir: - XML Schema Language
Specifications for Conditional Knowledge,
Advances in Communications, Computers,
Systems, Circuits and Devices, European
Conference of Computer Science Puerto de la
Cruz, Tenerife, North Atlantic University
Union, November 30-December 2, 2010, p.149-
154, ISBN 978-960-474-250-9
[19] Mihaela Colhon,
Nicolae Tandareanu: - An Approach for
Contextual Translation based on Semantic
Schemas, 14th WSEAS International Conference
on Computers, Corfu Island, Greece, LATEST
TRENDS on COMPUTERS, Vol.I, p.294-299, 2010,
ISSN 1792-4251, ISBN 978-960-474-201-1
[18] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Mihaela Colhon, Cristina
Zamfir: - A Spoken Question Answering
System Based on Conditional Knowledge, 14th
WSEAS International Conference on Computers,
Corfu Island, Greece, LATEST TRENDS on
COMPUTERS, Vol.I, p.220-225, 2010, ISSN
1792-4251, ISBN 978-960-474-201-1
[17] N.Tandareanu:
- A remote interrogation of an inheritance
knowledge base via e-mail, International
Conference on Intelligent Systems and
Control (ISC 2009), p.22-26, 2009, ISBN
[16] N.Tandareanu,
Claudiu Ionut Popirlan: A Mobile
Agents Approach for Knowledge Bases
Processing, International Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2009),
p.27-32, 2009, ISBN 978-0-88986-814-4
[15] N.Tandareanu:
- Transfer of knowledge by semantic schemas,
The 11th IASTED International Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2008),
Ed.K.Grigoriadis, ISBN 978-0-88986-777-2,
[14] N.Tandareanu,
M.Ghindeanu: - Hierarchical Semantic
Structures Applied in Automatic Image
Generation, The 11th IASTED International
Conference on Intelligent Systems and
Control (ISC 2008), Ed.K.Grigoriadis, ISBN
978-0-88986-777-2, 2008
[13] N.Tandareanu:
- An Extension of Semantic Schemas to
Represent Multiple Meanings, International
Multi-Conference on Engineering and
Technological Innovation (IMETI 2008), June
29th- July 2nd 2008,Orlando, USA, Vol.I,
p.143-148, ISBN 978-1-934272-46-6
[12] N.Tandareanu:
- Generalized Semantic Schemas and Arguments
to Use These Structures, 12th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (WMSCI 2008), Orlando, USA,
June 29th- July 2nd, 2008, Vol.I, p. 56-61,
ISBN 978-1-934272-31-2
[11] N.Tandareanu:
- Master-Slave Systems of Semantic Schemas
and Applications, The 10th IASTED
International Conference on Intelligent
Systems and Control (ISC 2007), November
19-21, 2007, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
p.150-155, ISBN 978-0-88986-707-9
[10] N.Tandareanu:
- Cooperating Systems Based on Maximal
Graphs in Semantic Schemas, Proceedings of
the 11th WSEAS International Multiconference
CSCC (Circuits, Systems, Communications,
Computers), Vol. 4, p.517-522, Crete Island,
Greece, July 23-28, 2007, ISSN: 1790-5117,
ISBN: 978-960-8457-92-8
[9] N.Tandareanu:
- Cross-Deduction Based on Maximal Elements
in Semantic Schemas, 11th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (WMSCI 2007), Orlando, USA,
July 8-11, Vol.I, p. 97-102, 2007
[8] N.Tandareanu:
- Semantic Schemas: The Least Upper Bound of
Two Interpretations, 10th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (WMSCI 2006), Orlando, USA,
July 16-19, Vol.III, p. 150-155, 2006
[7] N.Tandareanu:
- The Use of Structured Elements to Obtain
Interpretations for Semantic Schemas, 10th
World Multiconference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2006),
Orlando, USA, July 16-19, Vol.III, p.
144-149, 2006
[6] N.Tandareanu:
- The Greatest Lower Bound of Two Semantic
Schemas, 3rd International Conference on
Cybernetics and Information Technologies,
Systems and Applications (CITSA 2006),
Orlando, USA,July 20-23, Vol. I, p. 124-129,
[5] N.Tandareanu:
- Transfer of knowledge via semantic
schemas, 9th World Multi-Conference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
(WMSCI 2005), Orlando, USA, July 10-13, Vol.
IV, p.70-75, 2005
[4] N.Tandareanu, M.
Ghindeanu: - A three-level distributed
knowledge system based on semantic schemas,
16th International Workshop on Database and
Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of
DEXA'05 (TAKMA2005), Copenhagen, p.423-427,
[3] N.Tandareanu:
- Knowledge Representation by Labeled
Stratified Graphs, The 8th World
Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics, July 18-21, 2004, Orlando,
Florida, USA, Vol. V: Computer Science and
Engineering, p.345-350, 2004
[2] N.Tandareanu:
- Semantic Schemas and Applications in
Logical representation of Knowledge,
Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Cybernetics and Information
Technologies, Systems and Applications
(CITSA2004), July 21-25, Orlando, Florida,
USA, Vol.III, 82-87, 2004
[1] N.Tandareanu, M.
Ghindeanu - Hierarchical Reasoning
Based on Stratified Graphs. Application in
Image Synthesis., 15th International
Workshop on Database and Expert Systems
Applications, Proceedings of DEXA2004,
Zaragoza, Spania, IEEE Computer Society, Los
Alamitos California, p.498-502, 2004
(click here to view an extract html)
(click here to view an extract html)
[49] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cistina Zamfir : -
Maximal elements in the partial algebra of
accepted structured paths of semantic
schema, Annals of University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series,
Vol.38 No.3, p.12-21, 2011
[48] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cistina Zamfir : -
Algebraic templates of ω-trees, similarity
and templates generated by semantic schemas,
Annals of University of Craiova, Mathematics
and Computer Science Series, Vol.38 No.3,
p.1-11, 2011
[47] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cistina Zamfir : - Local
Greatest Equivalence Classes of ω-trees,
Annals of University of Craiova, Mathematics
and Computer Science Series, Vol.38 No.2,
p.32-42, 2011
[46] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cistina Zamfir : - Slices
and extensions of ω-trees, Annals of
University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science Series, Vol.38 No.1,
p.72-82, 2011
[45] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Claudiu-Ionut Popirlan :
- Factorization of an inheritance knowledge
base (II), Annals of University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series,
Vol.37 No.4, p.1-8, 2010
[44] Nicolae
Tandareanu: - Extended Inheritance
Knowledge Bases and their Interrogations by
Client-Server Technology, Annals of
University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science Series, Vol.37 No.3,
p.1-11, 2010
[43] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Claudiu-Ionut Popirlan :
- Factorization of an inheritance knowledge
base (I), Annals of University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series,
Vol.37 No.2, p.62-74, 2010
[42] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cristina Zamfir : -
Algebraic properties of ω-trees (II), Annals
of University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science Series, Vol.37 No.2,
p.7-17, 2010
[41] Mihaela Colhon,
Nicolae Tandareanu: -The inference
mechanism in conditional schemas, Annals of
University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science Series, Vol.37 No.1,
p.55-70, 2010
[40] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cristina Zamfir: -
Algebraic properties of ω-trees (I), Annals
of University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science Series, Vol.37 No.1,
p.80-89, 2010
[39] N.Tandareanu,
M.Colhon: - Conditional graphs
generated by conditional schemas, Annals of
University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science Series, Vol.36 No.1,
p.1-11, 2009
[38] N.Tandareanu:
- VoSys is able to communicate by e-mail
with the user, 9th International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, Annals of University of
Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science
Series, Vol.36 No.2, p.1-12, 2009
[37] C.Popirlan,
N.Tandareanu: - An Extension of
Inheritance Knowledge Bases and
Computational Properties of their Answer
Functions, Annals of University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series,
Vol.35, p.149-170, 2008
[36] N.Tandareanu,
M.Ghindeanu: - Path-based Reasoning in
Semantic Schemas, Annals of University of
Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science
Series, Vol.35, p.171-181, 2008
[35] N.Tandareanu:
- Cooperating Structures Based on Semantic
Schemas in Knowledge Representation,
Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence
and Digital Communications, Vol.108, 8th
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Digital Communications,
p.1-21, 2008 (file pdf)
[34] N.Tandareanu:
- Communication by Voice to Interrogate an
Inheritance Based Knowledge System, Research
Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, Vol.107, 7th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Digital Communications, p.1-15, 2007 (file pdf)
[33] N.Tandareanu, M.
Ghindeanu: - Properties of derivations
in a Semantic Schema, Annals of University
of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science
Series, Vol.33, p.147-155, 2006 (file pdf)
[32] N.Tandareanu:
- An Overview of Stratified Graphs and Their
Applications, Research Notes in Artificial
Intelligence and Digital Communications,
Vol.105, 5th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, 2005, p.111-120 (file pdf)
[31] N.Tandareanu:
- Structured entities for semantic schemas
(I): sorted elements, Bul. Stiintific al
Universitatii din Pitesti, Seria Matematica
si Informatica, Nr.11, 2005, p.51-58
[30] N.Tandareanu:
- Semantic Schemas extend Semantic Networks,
Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence
and Digital Communications, Vol.104, 4th
International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Digital Communications,
Craiova, June 2004, p.8-15 (file pdf)
[29] N.Tandareanu:
- JaSSNet: a Java Shell for Semantic
Networks via Semantic Schemas, Research
Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, Vol.104, 4th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Digital Communications, Craiova, June 2004,
[28] N.Tandareanu:
- Collaborations between distinguished
representatives for labelled stratified
graphs, Annals of the University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series,
Vol. 30(2), 2003, p.184-192 (file pdf)
[27] N.Tandareanu:
- Inheritance-based knowledge systems and
their answer functions computation using
lattice theory, Romanian Journal of
Information Science and Technology, Vol.6,
Numbers 1-2, 2003, 227-248
[26] N.Tandareanu, M.
Ghindeanu: - Image Synthesis from
Natural Language Description, Research Notes
in Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, Vol.103, 3 nd
Romanian Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Digital Communications,
Craiova, June 2003, p.82-96 (file pdf)
[25] N.Tandareanu, M.
Ghindeanu: - Towards a Mathematical
Modelling of Conditional Knowledge, Research
Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, Vol.103, 3 nd
Romanian Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Digital Communications,
Craiova, June 2003, p.5-15 (file pdf)
[24] N.Tandareanu:
- Lattices of Labelled Ordered Trees (II),
Annals of the University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series,
Vol. XXIX, 2002, 137-144 (file pdf)
[23] N.Tandareanu:
- Using Java-Prolog Connection to implement
automated reasoning, Research Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, Vol.102, 2 nd
National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Digital Communications,
Craiova, June 2002, p.9-18 (file pdf)
[22] N.Tandareanu:
- Intuitive Aspects of the Semantic
Computations in KBO, Research Notes in
Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications 101, 1 th National
Conference of RCAI, June 2001, 1-8 (file pdf)
[21] N.Tandareanu:
- Lattices of Labelled Ordered Trees (I),
Annals of the University of Craiova,
Mathematics and Computer Science Series,
Vol. XXVIII, 2001, 29-39 (file pdf)
[20] N.Tandareanu:
- Proving the Existence of Labelled
Stratified Graphs, Annals of the University
of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science
Series, Vol. XXVII, 2000, 81-92 (file pdf)
[19] N.Tandareanu:
- Disjoint Levels of Binary Relations and
their Applications in Knowledge
Representation (II), Annals of the
University of Craiova, Mathematics and
Computer Science Series, Vol. XXVI, 1999,
[18] N.Tandareanu:
- Disjoint Levels of Binary Relations and
their Applications in Knowledge
Representation (I), Annals of the University
of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science
Series, Vol. XXVI, 1999, 58-72.
[17] N.Tandareanu:
- Lattices in Knowledge Representation by
Frames, Proceedings of the 3th
Annual Meeting of The Romanian Society of
Mathematical Sciences- Computer Science
Series, 26-29 May, Craiova, Vol.2, 1999,
[16] N.Tandareanu:
- An algebraic approach of Knowledge
Representation, Annals of the University of
Craiova, vol.XXV, 1998, p.93-108.
[15] N.Tandareanu:
- Partial Derivatives of {0,1}- Generalized
Boolean Functions, Annals of the University
of Craiova, vol.XIII, 1985, p.63-66.
[14] N.Tandareanu:
- Monotonicity of the Functions of One
Variable defined on Boolean Algebras, Revue
Roum. Math. Pures Appl., 1985, Tome XXX,
No.7, p.579-582.
[13] N.Tandareanu:
- Remarks on Generalized Boolean Functions
of One Variable, Revue Roum. Math. Pures
Appl., Tome XXIX, No.8, 1984, 715-718.
[12] N.Tandareanu:
- A characterization of the Generalized
Boolean Functions, INFO Iasi, 1983, p.78-81.
[11] N.Tandareanu:
- Analytic and Algebraic Properties of
Generalized Boolean Functions, Annals of the
University of Craiova, XI, 1983, p.38-46.
[10] N.Tandareanu, C.
Lupsoiu: - Several Aspects concerning
the Student Instruction by means of a
Computer, Applied and Theoretical Problems
in Cybernetics, 1983, p.19-28
[9] N.Tandareanu, C.
Lupsoiu, G. Vraciu - The Design of a
System for Automated Teaching, Annals of the
University of Craiova, vol.X, 1982, p.73-79.
(in Romanian)
[8] N.Tandareanu:
- Properties of the generalized Boolean
functions, Proceeding of the Symposium on
Theory of Probability and Operational
Research, 5-6 nov. 1982, Craiova, p.203-205.
[7] N.Tandareanu:
- Monotonicity of the functions of one
variable defined on Boolean algebras,
Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of
Probability and Operational Research, 5-6
nov. 1982, Craiova, p.197-202.
[6] N.Tandareanu:
- Properties of Generalized and Weak
Generalized Boolean Functions, INFO Iasi,
1981 , p.32-37.
[5] N.Tandareanu,
A.Dinca: - An Application of Boolean
Equations in Numerical Analysis, Annals of
the University of Craiova, vol.IX, 1981,
[4] N.Tandareanu:
- Pushdown Automata and Linear- Determinitic
Languages, Studii si Cercetari Matematice,
Tome 31, 3, may-june 1979, p.359-364.
[3] N.Tandareanu:
- On probabilistic events realized by
automata, Annals of the University of
Craiova, vol.VII, 1979, p.29-33.
[2] N.Tandareanu:
- On K-definite and K-represented languages
in an automaton, Studii si Cercetari
Matematice, Tome 26, Nr.1, 1974, p.129-132.
[1] N.Tandareanu:
- On stochastic languages , Bull .Math. Soc.
Sci de la Roumanie, Tome 16 (63 ), Nr.3,
1971, p.379-383.
[38] Nicolae
Proceedings of IADIS International
Conference APPLIED COMPUTING 2011, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil 6-8 November 2011, p.507-511
[37] Nicolae
Tandareanu: - Java Interrogation of a
Heterogeneous System of Knowledge Bases by
Client-Server Technology, WORLD ACADEMY OF
2011 : "International Conference on
Intelligent Systems" Tokyo, Japan, May
25-27, 2011 (PARIS, June 24-26, 2011), Issue
77, June 2011, p.1271-1279
[36] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Cristina Zamfir: - New
Computational Aspects in Master-Slave
Systems of Semantic Schemas, 23rd IEEE
International Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2011,
Nov.7-9, 2011, Boca Raton, Florida, USA,
[35] Nicolae
Tandareanu: - A Java Template to
Interrogate Knowledge Bases by Client-Server
Technology, Advances in Communications,
Computers, Systems, Circuits and Devices,
European Conference of Computer Science
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, North Atlantic
University Union, November 30-December 2,
2010, p.155- 161, ISBN 978-960-474-250-9
[34] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Mihaela Colhon, Cristina
Zamfir: - XML Schema Language
Specifications for Conditional Knowledge,
Advances in Communications, Computers,
Systems, Circuits and Devices, European
Conference of Computer Science Puerto de la
Cruz, Tenerife, North Atlantic University
Union, November 30-December 2, 2010, p.149-
154, ISBN 978-960-474-250-9
[33] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Mihaela Colhon, Cristina
Zamfir: - Extending XML Conditional
Schema Representations with WordNetData,
Volume 5, p.200-209, 2011
[32] Nicolae
Tandareanu: - Java Interrogation of an
Homogeneous System of Inheritance Knowledge
Bases by Client-Server Technology,
Volume 5, p.166-174, 2011
[31] Mihaela Colhon,
Nicolae Tandareanu: - A Semantic
Schema - based Approach for Natural Language
COMPUTERS, Issue 11, Volume 9, p.1307- 1317,
November 2010, ISSN: 1109-2750
[30] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Mihaela Colhon, Cristina
Zamfir: - Embedding Conditional
Knowledge Bases into Question Answering
Systems and Java Implementation,
Volume 4, p.169-176, 2010
[29] Nicolae
Tandareanu: - A Java Template to
Interrogate Knowledge Bases by Client-Server
Technology, Advances in Communications,
Computers, Systems, Circuits and Devices,
European Conference of Computer Science
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, North Atlantic
University Union, November 30-December 2,
2010, p.155- 161, ISBN 978-960-474-250-9
[28] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Mihaela Colhon, Cristina
Zamfir: - XML Schema Language
Specifications for Conditional Knowledge,
Advances in Communications, Computers,
Systems, Circuits and Devices, European
Conference of Computer Science Puerto de la
Cruz, Tenerife, North Atlantic University
Union, November 30-December 2, 2010, p.149-
154, ISBN 978-960-474-250-9
[27] Mihaela Colhon,
Nicolae Tandareanu: - An Approach for
Contextual Translation based on Semantic
Schemas, 14th WSEAS International Conference
on Computers, Corfu Island, Greece, LATEST
TRENDS on COMPUTERS, Vol.I, p.294-299, 2010,
ISSN 1792-4251, ISBN 978-960-474-201-1
[26] Nicolae
Tandareanu, Mihaela Colhon, Cristina
Zamfir: - A Spoken Question Answering
System Based on Conditional Knowledge, 14th
WSEAS International Conference on Computers,
Corfu Island, Greece, LATEST TRENDS on
COMPUTERS, Vol.I, p.220-225, 2010, ISSN
1792-4251, ISBN 978-960-474-201-1
[25] N.Tandareanu:
- A remote interrogation of an inheritance
knowledge base via e-mail, International
Conference on Intelligent Systems and
Control (ISC 2009), p.22-26, 2009, ISBN
[24] N.Tandareanu,
Claudiu Ionut Popirlan: A Mobile
Agents Approach for Knowledge Bases
Processing, International Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2009),
p.27-32, 2009, ISBN 978-0-88986-814-4
[23] N.Tandareanu:
- Transfer of knowledge by semantic schemas,
The 11th IASTED International Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2008),
Ed.K.Grigoriadis, ISBN 978-0-88986-777-2,
[22] N.Tandareanu,
M.Ghindeanu: - Hierarchical Semantic
Structures Applied in Automatic Image
Generation, The 11th IASTED International
Conference on Intelligent Systems and
Control (ISC 2008), Ed.K.Grigoriadis, ISBN
978-0-88986-777-2, 2008
[21] N.Tandareanu:
- An Extension of Semantic Schemas to
Represent Multiple Meanings, International
Multi-Conference on Engineering and
Technological Innovation (IMETI 2008), June
29th- July 2nd 2008,Orlando, USA, Vol.I,
p.143-148, ISBN 978-1-934272-46-6
[20] N.Tandareanu:
- Generalized Semantic Schemas and Arguments
to Use These Structures, 12th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (WMSCI 2008), Orlando, USA,
June 29th- July 2nd, 2008, Vol.I, p. 56-61,
ISBN 978-1-934272-31-2
[19] N.Tandareanu:
- Master-Slave Systems of Semantic Schemas
and Applications, The 10th IASTED
International Conference on Intelligent
Systems and Control (ISC 2007), November
19-21, 2007, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
p.150-155, ISBN 978-0-88986-707-9
[18] N.Tandareanu:
- Cooperating Systems Based on Maximal
Graphs in Semantic Schemas, Proceedings of
the 11th WSEAS International Multiconference
CSCC (Circuits, Systems, Communications,
Computers), Vol. 4, p.517-522, Crete Island,
Greece, July 23-28, 2007, ISSN: 1790-5117,
ISBN: 978-960-8457-92-8
[17] N.Tandareanu:
- Cross-Deduction Based on Maximal Elements
in Semantic Schemas, 11th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (WMSCI 2007), Orlando, USA,
July 8-11, Vol.I, p. 97-102, 2007
[16] N.Tandareanu:
- A recursive method to compute the layers
of a stratified graph, Journal of
Multi-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol.
12, p.355-363, 2006
[15] N.Tandareanu:
- VoSyS: a system by voice to answer in
inheritance-based knowledge systems,
Artificial Intelligence and Digital
Communications, Thessaloniki ,Greece, vol.
106, p.91-101, 2006
[14] N.Tandareanu:
- Semantic Schemas: The Least Upper Bound of
Two Interpretations, 10th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics (WMSCI 2006), Orlando, USA,
July 16-19, Vol.III, p. 150-155, 2006
[13] N.Tandareanu:
- The Use of Structured Elements to Obtain
Interpretations for Semantic Schemas, 10th
World Multiconference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2006),
Orlando, USA, July 16-19, Vol.III, p.
144-149, 2006
[12] N.Tandareanu:
- The Greatest Lower Bound of Two Semantic
Schemas, 3rd International Conference on
Cybernetics and Information Technologies,
Systems and Applications (CITSA 2006),
Orlando, USA,July 20-23, Vol. I, p. 124-129,
[11] N.Tandareanu:
- Transfer of knowledge via semantic
schemas, 9th World Multi-Conference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
(WMSCI 2005), Orlando, USA, July 10-13, Vol.
IV, p.70-75, 2005
[10] N.Tandareanu, M.
Ghindeanu: - A three-level distributed
knowledge system based on semantic schemas,
16th International Workshop on Database and
Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of
DEXA'05 (TAKMA2005), Copenhagen, p.423-427,
[9] N.Tandareanu:
- Knowledge Representation by Labeled
Stratified Graphs, The 8th World
Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics, July 18-21, 2004, Orlando,
Florida, USA, Vol. V: Computer Science and
Engineering, p.345-350, 2004
[8] N.Tandareanu:
- Semantic Schemas and Applications in
Logical representation of Knowledge,
Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Cybernetics and Information
Technologies, Systems and Applications
(CITSA2004), July 21-25, Orlando, Florida,
USA, Vol.III, 82-87, 2004
[7] N.Tandareanu, M.
Ghindeanu - Hierarchical Reasoning
Based on Stratified Graphs. Application in
Image Synthesis., 15th International
Workshop on Database and Expert Systems
Applications, Proceedings of DEXA2004,
Zaragoza, Spania, IEEE Computer Society, Los
Alamitos California, p.498-502, 2004
[6] N.Tandareanu:
- Distinguished Representatives for
Equivalent Labelled Stratified Graphs and
Applications, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 144, p.183-208, 2004
[5] N.Tandareanu:
- Knowledge Bases with Output, Knowledge and
Information Systems, 2(4), 2000, 438-460
[4] N.Tandareanu:
- On generalized Boolean functions III, The
case A={0,1}, Discrete Mathematics, 52
(1984), p.269-277
[3] N.Tandareanu:
- On generalized Boolean functions II,
Discrete Mathematics, 40 (1982), p.277-284
[2] N.Tandareanu:
- On generalized Boolean functions I,
Discrete Mathematics 34(1981), p.293-299
[1] N.Tandareanu:
- Functions associated to a Partition on
State Set of a Probabilistic Automaton,
Information and Control, Vol.28, No.4,
August 1975, p.304- 313
[15] N.Tandareanu:
- Baze de cunostinte. Editura Universitaria,
2009, 161 p.
[14] N.Tandareanu:
- Lecture Notes on Universal Algebra,
Basic Concepts of Peano Algebras and
Lattices, Research Report in Artificial
Intelligence, Nr.301, Research Center for
Articial Intelligence, University of
Craiova, Universitaria Publishing House,
[13] N.Tandareanu:
- Baze de cunostinte, Editura Sitech, 2004,
ISBN 973-657-720-1, 339 pagini
[12] N.Tandareanu:
- Sisteme Expert. Reprezentarea
cunostintelor si inferenta, Editura
Universitaria, 2001, 344 p.
[11] N.Tandareanu:
- Introducere in programarea logica.
Limbajul Prolog, Editura Intarf, 1994, 213p
[10] N.Tandareanu:
- Automate si Limbaje Formale, Fundatia
Stiintifica Intarf, 1992, 98p
[9] N.Tandareanu, A.
Giurca: - Algoritmi, logica si
calculabilitate, Fundatia Stiintifica
Intarf, 1992, 81p
[8] N.Tandareanu, D.
Ebanca, A. Dinca: - Calcul numeric,
Reprografia Universitatii din Craiova, 1984,
[7] N.Tandareanu, L.
Livovschi, C. P. Popovici, H. Georgescu:
- Bazele Informaticii, Editura Didactica si
Pedagogica, 1981, 236p
[6] N.Tandareanu:
- Teoria algoritmilor, Reprografia
Universitatii din Craiova, 1980, 256p
[5] N.Tandareanu:
- Exercitii de calcul Boolean, Automate si
Limbaje formale, Reprografia Universitatii
din Bucuresti, 1980, 162p
[4] N.Tandareanu, C.
P. Popovici, L. Livovschi: - Curs de
Bazele Informaticii, Circuite, Automate si
Limbaje formale, Reprografia Universitatii
din Bucuresti, 1980, 309p
[3] N.Tandareanu:
- Aplicatii la Bazele Informaticii,
Reprografia Universitatii din Bucuresti,
[2] N.Tandareanu, C.
P. Popovici, L. Livovschi, H. Georgescu
- Curs de Bazele Informaticii, Functii
Booleene si circuite combinationale,
Reprografia Universitatii din Bucuresti,
1976, 82p
[1] N.Tandareanu, L.
Livovschi, C. P. Popovici: - Curs de
Bazele Informaticii, Automate si limbaje
Formale, Reprografia Universitatii din
Bucuresti, 1976, 171p
Baze de cunostinte
2009, Editura Universitaria Craiova, 161p
ISBN 978-606-510-728-1
- Sisteme de Reprezentare si Procesare a
- Sisteme bazate pe mostenire.
- Sisteme de deductie bazate pe reguli.
- Rationament in conditii de incertitudine.
- Scheme semantice.
- Teste de autoevaluare.
Lecture Notes on
Universal Algebra.
Basic Concepts of Peano Algebras and
2006, Editura Universitaria, 70p
ISBN 973-742-412-3
- Basic concepts of universal algebra.
- Peano algebras.
- Lattices and semilattices.
- Case studies and related problems.
- Connections and perspectives.
Baze de cunostinte.
2004, Editura Sitech, 339p
ISBN 973-657-720-1
- Sisteme de reprezentare si procesare a
- Reprezentarea cunostintelor bazata pe
- Sisteme de deductie bazate pe reguli.
- Rationament bazat pe incertitudine.
- Scheme semantice.
- Reprezentarea logica a cunostintelor.
Sisteme Expert.
Reprezentarea cunostintelor si
2001, Editura Universitaria, 344p
ISBN 973-8043-02-2
- Interfete in limbaj natural. DCG, BTN,
- Multimi rough.
- Cunostinte incerte.
- Retele semantice
- Cunostinte bazate pe mostenire.
- Programarea in KGL
- Aritmetica fuzzy in Guru
- Transmiterea datelor si comenzi grafice
- Baze de date si spreadsheeturi in Guru
- Reprezentarea cunostintelor prin reguli:
fisiere Rule Set Source
- Retele semantice, baze de date cu imagini
grafice, rapoarte pe baze de date, fisiere
cu imagini grafice, evaluarea cunostintelor.
Introducere in
programarea logica. Limbajul Prolog.
1994, Editura Intarf, 213p
ISBN 973-95984-1-2
- Calculul propozitional.
- Calculul predicatelor.
- Unificare, rezolutie si demonstrarea
interpretare Herbrand, unificare, rezolutia,
hyper-rezolutia, ultrarezolutia, rezolutia
Limbajul Prolog:
Clauze in Prolog. Satisfacerea clauzelor.
Scopuri. Prelucrari de liste. Predicate
standard. Grafica in Prolog. |
Concepte si elemente speciale de
programare in Prolog:
Fisiere. Baze dinamice de date. Baze externe
de date. Programarea in teoria grafurilor.
Operatii cu multimi. |
Bazele informaticii.
1981, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica,
Limbaje formale si automate.
- Limbaje regulate.
- Limbaje independente de context.
- Elemente de teoria compilarii.
Teoria programelor:
- Verificarea programelor.
- Programe structurate.
- Complexitatea programelor.
- Scheme de programe.
Grafuri si structuri de date:
- Arbori.
- Liste.
- Reprezentarea arborilor binari.
- Structuri multiplu inlantuite.
- Sortare.
- Cautare.
- Dispersare.
Sisteme de calcul. Sisteme de
- Sistemul de calcul Felix C-256.
- Sistemul de operare SIRIS 3.
- Crearea si exploatarea fisierelor.
- Crearea si exploatarea bibliotecilor